My Future Invitation Wedding! A Day with Ira as a Graphic Designer.

“She always puts every detail on her works! That was what I admire about her latest work on making a craft-fully wedding invitation for our lovely friend.”

Call her Ira! What a wonderful day spending time with her while she showed me the wedding invitation making process. The project that has been made for our closest friend.

Such a classy and elegant design she made for every piece of the invitation letters. I love the way she concerns about the detail that she puts into it, especially when she showed me how to make a font of alphabet manually.

By using a calligraphy marker as her special armor, a magnificent font finally came to the world! She made a calligraphic font because it was inspired by the background of the future bride who was originally came from one of the cities in West Java, Indonesia, called Cirebon.

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The invitation was inspired by story of the future groom and bride who has a different background. The story was about the thing that they both love and the major they have taken when they were in college. One was from majoring in oceanography, and the future bride was from textile craft, which turned into a lovely design that most of the colors, fonts, and sketches were inspired by the bride’s father who is a Batik Designer in town.

Processed with VSCO with a6 presetProcessed with VSCO with a6 presetThis is the favorite one! Her hands were softly dancing on the paper, making a cutie font by using her calligraphy marker. Every fonts she made were scanned into a digital to compile with other sketches. Not only that, she made all the design by manually sketching it. She made layer by layers to make it easy when she was coloring the sketches in digital. No wonder how crafty she is! Respect!

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Processed with VSCO with a6 presetTa-da! These are the package of the wedding invitation letters!

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Dusty pink and brown were perfectly matched. It looks very sweet yet still incredibly elegant, especially when she puts the signature of the couple; roses and waves.

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Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

It was very delightful for having the opportunity to know and learn the story behind her works. My day was fully charged by her heartwarming piece of art. I hope she can make me a future wedding invitation that is very suitable with me (guess I have to seek my future wife soon).
Anyway, if you want to see more about her works, you can click by her name on instagram @iracarella or just click her magnificent portfolio on her sites

Have a great day! Keep discovering!


Hidden Gem in Singapore with JC


“I want to go to an unusual place which common tourists did not visit when in Singapore.” Fortunately, my friend had a great plan for my wishes. Yeay! 

Dakota! The first place I met with friend whom I knew through couchsurfing. It was almost late and I could not text him as I do not have Singapore number. I was a little bit feeling bad because he had to pick me at the station. He knew that I might be lost somehow. LOL

He is JC, a Filipino guy who loves photography. That was one of the reasons I was so eager to meet him because I was curious the way he uses his camera film, and how to bleach film in his mini studio at his house aside from I need a couch to sleep (that is what I did when was on a low budget yet still want to go travelling :3).

The next day, he took me to see one of the popular place which called Little India. I loved being there because people really enjoyed doing their roles. The man who was waiting his shop while Indian music was loudly beating my ears, a worker who was painting a white color onto a wooden wall, the one who just sat between colorful piles, passer-by who was taking their walk going to their destination, and me as a tourist.

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To my surprise, I found myself gravitated towards a place he claimed to be rarely visited; a rooftop!

Firstly, he took me to Rochor Centre. He told me that most people here do not recognize this place. I glanced around, it was quiet. Only a group people doing ‘selfie’ together and taking a picture while jumping. The rooftop is in the middle between apartment. I only took several pictures because I’d rather enjoy the surrounding as we were talking about our interests on photography. He’s so into ‘street photography’, black and white pictures seemed as his signature.

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this is what we did when we found an abandoned cabinet

Secondly, we went to Golden Mile Tower where you can find a bus terminal Singapore-Malaysia. We straight a walk to the rooftop by using lift. Here was more quiet than before. But it was worth to visit because I can see stadium and city landscape of Singapore right above here.

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photo taken by JC
Photo taken by JC using Kodak tri-x film, proceed with kodak d-76

It was just a day, unfortunately I could not discover more and learn how to do black and white film development in his studio because I flew back to Indonesia the next day. Yet, I was elated by his kindness to let me stay and met with another friend in house and had a great conversation between me, JC, and his friend who already became my friend as well, Edlyn.

– You can do visit JC’s Instagram by searching his soulful pictures @jc_mono and jc_kolor. He has two Instagram account anyway, to separate between black and white and color pictures.
– Do not hesitate to ask me if you wanna go to the directions place I have visited in Singapore, I will very happy to answer.
– Have a lovely day!
